LEA handbag with a distinctive adjustable design strap and two short leather handles. A handbag over the shoulder or in the hand, which is perfect for everyday wear, but above...
The cover for the health and vaccination card is made of washable paper (Eco material, sustainable fashion), you can put the vaccination card and other health documentation in...
Martina handbag in bold color design with one designer strap with a beautiful quote. The strap is attached with carabiners. It has a conical shape with a rim. It stands out...
LAURA handbag black with adjustable design strap. A shoulder bag that will enliven any outfit, but above all it will be a great functional accessory. The handbag is complemented...
Liven up your handbag with a new strap! Designer handbag strap with carabiners - standard length for handbag 1.5m. Width 4.0cm. Strap including shifter. Cotton adjustable strap,...
The cover for the health and vaccination card is made of washable paper (Eco material, sustainable fashion), you can put the vaccination card and other health documentation in...
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